1. 地藏菩萨代表众生只有一个参照点的零度空间的心灵维度和精神境界
2. 文殊菩萨代表阿罗汉具有两个参照点的一度空间的心灵维度和精神境界
3. 观音菩萨代表菩萨具有三个参照点的二度空间的心灵维度和精神境界
4. 普贤菩萨代表佛陀具有四个参照点的三度空间的心灵维度和精神境界
There are four types of spiritual spaces in us:
1. 0-D space with only one reference point which is our Buddha’s Nature. It’s like a black hole or the singularity point of the universe.
2. 1-D space with two reference points which are Buddha’s Nature and Sunyata Wisdom of Arahat .
3. 2-D space with three reference points which are Buddha’s Nature, Sunyata Wisdom and Great Compassion of Bodhisattva.
4. 3-D space with four reference points which are Buddha’s Nature, Sunyata Wisdom, Great Compassion and Dharma Body of Buddha.