1. mindset as vertical axis (Y): 修心为纵轴(时间轴)
1.1 lower part being the fixed mindset while 固定心态
1.2 the upper part being the growth mindset.成长心态
2. practicing as horizontal axis (X): 修行为横轴(空间轴)
2.1 weaker part being the work-culture practicing (doing with little thinking and reflection; hardworking style; workaholic) 勤奋苦干的工作狂while
2.2 stronger part being the learn-culture practicing (doing with thinking and reflection; practice to kick out bad habits; reflective practitioner) 好学深思的实践者
3. four quadrants appeares:-
3.1 quadrant 1 (bottom left): fixed mindset 固定心态+ work-culture practicing表面工作 = low effort混日子 (take the easy way out.)
3.2 quadrant 2 (bottom right): fixed mindset固定心态 + learn-culture practicing深度工作 = ineffective effort无效劳动 (working hard, going nowhere.)
3.3 quadrant 3 (top left): growth mindset 成长心态 + work-culture practicing表面工作 = performance effort (doing your best尽自己所能,却成就有限)
3.4 quadrant 4 (top right): growth mindset成长心态 + learn-culture practicing 深度工作 = effective effort 有效劳动 (flourishing 自我实现的真实体验)