
Everyone is a insider of our lives 【三种清醒】

1. No one is outsider. Everyone is insider of our lives. 【阿罗汉境界:六道轮回的局外人——清醒的局外人;“自渡”层次的清醒】

2. If we want to succeed in our lives, we have to include everyone. No one is to leave behind. 【菩萨境界:六道轮回的当局者——清醒的当局者,比“清醒的局外人”更清醒;“渡众生”层次的清醒】

3. Ultimately, the difference of insider and outsider is invalid. The undivided life does not take side and does not confine itself to an enclosed space. 【佛陀境界:六道轮回的没事人——清醒的没事人,比“清醒的当局者”更清醒;“自他圆满”层次的清醒】

