


1. 欲望关:炼精化气。关键体位:下丹田(脐下部位:元精)=>中丹田(膻中穴:元气),以“不知足的贪婪欲求(贪毒)”境界的突破为修行目标。此为刘宗周“圣学吃紧三关”之第一关:“人己关”【当“守己”以过关。“己”者,“真己”也;“人”者,“人欲”也】。[Level 1: To clear the obstacles of greed so as not to waste all the energy in chasing after the unlimited wants throughout the whole life.] 【Achievement: Being able to free from the slavery of unlimited wants. 成就:打破“欲望之囚”,不再当“欲望的奴隶”,翻身当“欲望的主人”。“欲望”是“天理”,“失控的欲望”是“人欲”】

2. 情绪关:练气化神。关键体位:中丹田(膻中穴:元气)=》上丹田(印堂穴:元神),以“火爆的愤怒情绪(嗔毒)”境界的突破为修行目标。此为刘宗周“圣学吃紧三关”之第二关:“敬肆关”【当“持敬”以过关。“敬”者,“敬天”也;“肆”者,“肆人”也】。[Level 2: To clear the obstacles of anger so as not to waste all the energy in finger-pointing and blaming of others throughout the whole life.] 【Achievement: Being able to free from the slavery of emotional entanglements. 成就:打破“情绪之囚”,不再当“情绪的奴隶”,翻身当“情绪的主人”。“情绪”是“天理”,“失控的情绪”是“人欲”】

3. 思想关:炼神返虚。关键体位:上丹田(印堂穴:元神)=》头顶(百会穴:回返太虚),以“固定的意识形态(痴毒)”境界的突破为修行目标。此为刘宗周“圣学吃紧三关”第二关与第三关之间,可命名为“通塞关”【当“会通”以过关。“通”者,“会通”也;“塞”者,“闭塞”也】[Level 3: To clear the obstacles of thoughts so as not to waste all the energy in arguing and being entangled in all kinds of ideologies. ] 【Achievement: Being able to free from the slavery of thoughts and ideologies. 成就:打破“思想之囚”,不再当“思想的奴隶”,翻身当“思想的主人”。“思想”是“天理”,“失控的思想”是“人欲”】

4. 信仰关:练虚合道。关键体位:头顶(百会穴:回返太虚)=大身子(四肢百骸:大道流行),以“怪力乱神(疑毒)”境界的突破为修行目标。此为刘宗周“圣学吃紧三关”之第三关:“迷悟关”【当“开悟”以过关。“悟”者,“悟道”也;“迷”者,“迷路”也】【Achievement: Being able to free from the slavery of beliefs and religions. 成就:打破“信仰之囚”,不再当“信仰的奴隶”,翻身当“信仰的主人”。“信仰”是“天理”,“失控的信仰”是“人欲”】

