
Buddhist flag佛教旗【慈悲光、中道光、福德光、解脱光、般若光、真理光】

The six vertical bands of the flag represent the six colors of the aura which Buddhists believe emanated from the body of the Buddha when he attained Enlightenment:
Blue (Pāli and Sanskrit: nīla): The Spirit of Universal Compassion【蓝光:慈悲】
Yellow (Pāli and Sanskrit: pīta): The Middle Way【黄光:中道】
Red (Pāli and Sanskrit: lohitaka): The Blessings of Practice – achievement, wisdom, virtue, fortune and dignity【红光:福德】
White (Pāli: odāta; Sanskrit: avadāta): The Purity of Dhamma – leading to liberation, timeless【白光:解脱】
Orange (Pāli: mañjeṭṭha; Sanskrit: mañjiṣṭhā - rather a scarlet colour): The Wisdom of the Buddha's teachings【橙光:般若】
The sixth vertical band, on the fly, is made up of a combination of rectangular bands of the five other colours, and represents a compound of the other five colours in the aura's spectrum. This compound colour is referred to as the Truth of the Buddha's teaching Pabbhassara('essence of light').【彩虹光:真理】

