
生命时空学 20241201·-·日间1209时·-·探索与发现“生命时空学”




  1. 生命时空学

    • 生命时空学是将时间和空间的维度与生命的存在和发展相结合的学说,研究的是人类生命在时空中的存在方式和运动轨迹。在《大学》中,讲求“明德”(照亮内心的德行),“亲民”(关怀百姓),以及**“止于至善”**(达到道德的完美)。这些理论不单独存在,而是内在地联系着宇宙的自然法则与人的社会活动,揭示了人类生命和宇宙生命的交织。
  2. 自然与人文的交融

    • 自然与人文的交融体现了宇宙万物的和谐与共生。自然界中的万象和宇宙运行的规律,既是无为而治的道德观,也是一种天人合一的深刻哲学。儒家并非脱离自然法则来讲道理,而是深入探讨人类在自然法则中的位置及作用,强调“人”在“天”的律动中的互动和共振。
  3. 天人合一的宇宙

    • 天人合一是道家思想中的核心理念,强调人与自然界、人与宇宙的合一。天指的是自然法则和宇宙的根本规律,人则是自然和宇宙中的一部分,不应当割裂存在。通过《大学》之道,天来小子强调了人类的道德修养与社会实践不仅是人文思想的体现,更是与宇宙自然规律的一致性和合一性。修身齐家治国平天下的路径,实际上是融入宇宙法则的过程,是“天人合一”的实践。【天来小子如是说:牟宗三先生精彩诠释了宋明理学家的“礼者,理也”的命题为“人间秩序就是宇宙秩序”,令人折服。】

English Interpretation:

"The Child from Heaven" says that ultimately, the Dao of the Great Learning (大学之道) explores the Science of Life and Space-Time, a profound philosophy that blends the natural and humanistic worlds into a cosmic unity of Heaven and Humanity (天人合一).

  1. Science of Life and Space-Time

    • The Science of Life and Space-Time refers to a theory that integrates the dimensions of time and space with the existence and development of life. It studies how human life exists and evolves within the fabric of time and space. In the Great Learning, the concepts of Illuminating Virtue (明德), Benefiting the People (亲民), and Reaching Perfection (止于至善) are not separate but interconnected with the natural laws of the universe and human social practices, revealing the intersection of human life and the greater cosmos.
  2. Fusion of Nature and Humanities

    • The fusion of Nature and Humanities represents the harmony and interdependence between all things in the universe. The laws of nature and the operation of the cosmos are not only moral principles of governance but also profound philosophical ideas of unity with the universe. Confucianism does not merely offer teachings detached from nature’s laws but explores humanity's position and role within them, emphasizing the interaction and resonance between humans and the rhythms of nature.
  3. Cosmic Unity of Heaven and Humanity (天人合一)

    • Heaven and Humanity is the core principle of Taoist thought, which emphasizes the unity between humans and the natural world, between humanity and the cosmos. Heaven represents the natural laws and the fundamental principles of the universe, while humanity is an integral part of this cosmic system. Through the Great Learning, the Child from Heaven emphasizes that moral cultivation and social practice are not only reflections of humanistic thought but are also aligned with the natural laws of the universe. The path of self-cultivation, family harmony, governance, and universal peace is actually a process of merging with the cosmic order, embodying the unity of Heaven and Humanity.


"The Dao of the Great Learning" is not just a moral or social framework; it is an exploration of the Science of Life and Space-Time, where the natural and humanistic realms are interwoven. Through this path, the individual’s self-cultivation, societal contributions, and ultimate perfection are all practiced in alignment with the greater laws of the universe. This reflects the unity of Heaven and Humanity, where humanity’s moral practices, social duties, and alignment with nature converge to form a harmonious existence within the cosmos. Thus, the teachings are not just for human life but offer a profound connection to the entire universe’s unfolding.

