
Inclusiveness VS Exclusiveness

 1. Inclusiveness: it is about Loving Kindness and Compassion. 包容心,慈悲心,关爱一切的心,一个不能少;通通都是的生命境界

2. Exclusiveness: it is about Wisdom with naked mind. Refined people are people who have walked their inner journey of self-betterment and they are living in the kingdom of self-actualization. 智慧心,清净心,零污染的心,一点也没有;通通都不是的生命境界

3. Conclusiveness: it is about taking into considerations of both Inclusiveness and Exclusiveness. This is the middle way of Buddha. 菩提心,成佛的心,中道的心,不二的心;通通都是和通通不是,同时存在!

