
Break free from 3 -Centeredness

 1. Break free from the Self-Centeredness (见思惑) and get connected deeply with yourself. 我们必须挣脱“自我中心”的掌控,才能够与内心深处的“真我”取得联系。【身心合一的“整个我”(空性智慧); the whole me, the undivided self  with wisdom】

2. Break free from the Social-Centeredness (尘沙惑)and get connected deeply with people. 我们必须挣脱“社会中心”的掌控,才能够与一切人建立起“真爱”的人际关系。【人我合一的“整个人”(无相慈悲); the whole community, the unbroken relationships】

3. Break free form the Human-Centeredness(无明惑) and get connected deeply with the universe. 我们必须挣脱“人类中心”的掌控,才能够与天地万物(宇宙)取得联系。【天人合一的“整个生命”(无作菩提); the whole earth, the unmeasurable universe】

