1. 每个人都需要“三成”:成长、成熟、成果。
2. 成长:不只是生理上的成长,更加是心理上、情感上与心灵上的成长。Growth not only physically, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
3. 成熟:不只是生理上的成熟,更加是情感、学问与能力的成熟。Maturity not only in terms of body, but also in terms of emotional management, subject mastery and skill expertise.
4. 成果:不只是有形生命里的成功,更加是无形生命里的成就。Desired Outcomes refers to not only tangible and visible aspects of successes in life, but also intangible and invisible aspects of achievements in life. for example, the peak experiences of self-actualization.