1. 正月初一到初六:六畜生日(六道轮回)
2. 正月初七:人生日(出离六道,做个顶天立地的人)
3. 正月初八:谷神生日(出离十法界:菩萨慈悲救度,犹如雪中送炭,给饥民带来粮食;菩萨是众生心灵的谷神)
4. 正月初九:天生日(出离一真法界,入常寂光土)
5. 正月初十:地生日(乘愿再来,在实相大地上,兴建水月道场,大作梦中佛事)
This is how I make sense over the last few days, after asking the questions about what are the meanings of all these birthdays to a friend and myself. I asked on Monday (7th day of the new luni-solar year of tiger) and the answers came to my heart-mind on Friday (11th day of the new luni-solar year of tiger).