心灵修养方法1: 刘宗周“四路把截”法
1. 第一路:“搜内是鬼窟”这一路要把截。一味往内心世界去,就会去搞“怪力乱神”的东西了,不可不防。【要立足于人本,关心社会,关怀人类同胞。这是“人鬼关”:要回归“人”的本位,“敬鬼神而远之”。“这里”(人本)就是宇宙的中心点。】[To indulge oneself in the inner world and lose sense of humankind in the midst of all kinds of spirits. You should stop it immediately and return to the way of people-centricity. Here is the center of the universe with people-centricity.]
2. 第二路:“逐外是人份”这一路要把截。一双眼睛一味盯着别人看,就会急于指责与要求别人,却没有尽到自己的本分,把自己本内该做的事做好。【要守本分,思不出其位。这是“圣学吃紧三关”之“人己关”:要回归“己”的本位,“己立立人,己达达人”。“这里”(本分)就是宇宙的中心点。】[To fix your eyes in what others doing and lose sense of responsibility in your own scope of work while pointing fingers at others frequently. You should stop doing this and return to your own domain of self-leadership and self-mastery. “Here" is the center of the universe with self-directedness.]
3. 第三路:“从前是过去”这一路要把截。往事如烟如梦,却一直萦绕脑际,挥之不去,白白耗费了人生多少宝贵的时间啊?【要把自己从“过去”的时间区,推前到“现在”这个时间区。“现在”(过去还没有过去)就是永恒的入口处。】[To indulge in the past is a waste of time. You should stop doing it and bring yourself back to the present moments and see clearly how the past is actually linked with the present and release the power of it to make yourself a better person. "Now" (linking with the past) is the entrance of the eternity.]
4. 第四路:“向后是未来”这一路要把截。未来虚无缥缈,却又那么迷人,让人被他诱惑,以至于虚度岁月,蹉跎人生。【要把自己从“未来”的时间区,拉回到“现在”这个时间区。“现在”(未来已经来了)就是永恒的入口处。】[To indulge in the future is also a waste of time. You should also stop doing it immediately and bring yourself back to the present moments and see clearly how the future is actually linked with the present and release the power of it and make yourself a better person. "now" (linking with the future) is the entrance of the eternity.]