


Level 3. 做事的教育【与“真我的教育”层次相应;这是“最高也是最低的境界”,“最高”是因为在“真我”之上没有更高的层次了;“最低”是因为“真我”在“上达天理”的同时也“下接地气”,是“知行合一”的】--Level 3 of Whole Person Education: This is the Level of "those who can" and it is about "doing with great mind and true love, i.e. True Self". This is the level of "be the change you want to see in the world". This is the level of True Self.

Level 2. 做学问的教育【与“良心的教育”层次相应;必须突破“社会中心”的思维模式,才能够登上第三层楼】--Level 2 of Whole Person Education:building up the foundation of good relationships and effective communication so as to embody and make sense of knowledge and skills learning from the books. Need to break through the 'Social Centrism' in order to move up to Level 3.

Level 1. 做人的教育【奠定知识和技能的根基;必须突破“自我中心”的思维模式,才能够登上第二层楼】--Level 1 of Whole Person Education: building up the foundation of knowledge and skills so as to form good character and become a better person. Need to break through the 'Self-Centrism' in order to move up to Level 2.

