
【《大学》慎独6次第】--6 stages of mind development

[stage 1 to 3: Preparation for the mind to perform]

stage 1. 止:非礼勿动(不乱动)(Do No Evil)

stage 2. 定:非礼勿言(不乱讲)(Say No Evil)

stage 3. 静:思无邪(不乱想)(Think No Evil) (Quiet Your Mind)

[stage 4 to 6: Performance of a free mind]

stage 4. 安:活在当下(自在的享受)(free to enjoy the peace and happiness in the present moment)

stage 5. 虑:深思熟虑(思想的自由)(free to perform deep thinking / higher order thinking/ meta-cognitive thinking)

stage 6. 得:行道有得于心(行动的自由)(free to achieve breakthrough in thinking/ find solutions to problems)

