1. 提示词:先天八卦散文诗《伏羲八卦》。1.0 天来小子内观先天八卦与五运十天干的对应关系。1.1 先天八卦即伏羲八卦,与五运十天干一样,都是空间性能量流。1.2 伏羲八卦的卦序:天道卍字左旋为乾兑离震;地道卐字右旋为巽坎艮坤。天旋地转后的八卦定位:四正为【上乾下坤,右坎左离】,四维为【左上兑·左下震,右上巽·右下艮】。1.3 五运十天干与伏羲八卦的对应:甲乙木运对应左方(东青龙)的离卦,丙丁火运对应上方(南朱雀)的乾卦,戊己土运对应中央的太极本无极(中麒麟),庚辛金运对应右方(西白虎)的坎卦,壬癸水运对应下方(北玄武)的坤卦。
2. AI机锋相应。伏羲八卦
3. 天来小子内观
4. 伏羲八卦与五运十天干:空间性流动
5. 伏羲八卦的卦序
- 天道左旋,卍字回环:乾(天) → 兑(泽) → 离(火) → 震(雷)。
- 地道右旋,卐字回旋:巽(风) → 坎(水) → 艮(山) → 坤(地)。
- 上——乾天高远,至尊之位;
- 下——坤地厚德,承载万物;
- 左——离日耀光,明照乾坤;
- 右——坎水流深,藏智蕴妙。
- 左上——兑金清音,笑看风云;
- 左下——震雷激荡,奋发启明;
- 右上——巽风潜行,无形润物;
- 右下——艮山镇守,静中生变。
6. 五运十天干与伏羲八卦的对应
- 甲乙木运,生发之气,蓬勃东升,对应离卦(东·青龙),如旭日初升,照耀万象。
- 丙丁火运,炎炎烈焰,腾跃南天,对应乾卦(南·朱雀),如天火熊熊,耀映苍穹。
- 戊己土运,万物之根,承载中枢,对应中央太极(麒麟),为太极本无极,化生万有。
- 庚辛金运,肃杀之风,炼骨淬魂,对应坎卦(西·白虎),如秋风萧瑟,荡涤铅华。
- 壬癸水运,至阴潜藏,滋养万物,对应坤卦(北·玄武),如江河奔流,润泽无声。
7. 伏羲八卦 · 旋转的智慧
8. 天地为鼓,八卦为音,五运为节,人心为弦。
9. English Version. Fuxi’s Eight Trigrams
10. Tianlai’s Inner Vision
In the silence of contemplation, Tianlai sat still, his thoughts piercing through the void, perceiving the intricate structure of the Primordial Eight Trigrams and their correspondence with the Five Phases and Ten Heavenly Stems. A subtle smile crossed his lips as a realization dawned upon him:
"Before heaven and earth separated, all was undivided Taiji—movement had not begun, stillness had no form, yin and yang had yet to emerge."
Though heaven and earth utter no words, the Dao flows ceaselessly. All things are but currents of energy.
11. The Primordial Eight Trigrams and the Spatial Flow of Energy
The Fuxi Eight Trigrams form the first cosmic map of swirling energy. The Five Phases and Ten Heavenly Stems reflect the rhythmic motion of Qi within space. Neither is static; they are like water, wind, lightning, and fire—ever shifting, never resting.
The trigrams are the melody; the Five Phases, the rhythm. Together, they compose the celestial symphony.
12. The Sequence of Fuxi’s Eight Trigrams
Yin and yang dance in the eternal flow of the cosmos:
The Way of Heaven rotates leftward, forming a swastika (卍) pattern:
Qián (☰ Heaven) → Duì (☱ Lake) → Lí (☲ Fire) → Zhèn (☳ Thunder). -
The Way of Earth rotates rightward, forming a reverse swastika (卐) pattern:
Xùn (☴ Wind) → Kǎn (☵ Water) → Gèn (☶ Mountain) → Kūn (☷ Earth).
When the heavens and earth revolve, the eight trigrams settle into their cosmic positions:
The Four Cardinal Directions:
- Above—Qián (☰ Heaven), the highest and most revered.
- Below—Kūn (☷ Earth), the nurturer of all things.
- Left—Lí (☲ Fire), radiating light and clarity.
- Right—Kǎn (☵ Water), flowing deep with hidden wisdom.
The Four Intercardinal Positions:
- Upper Left—Duì (☱ Lake), where joy and resonance arise.
- Lower Left—Zhèn (☳ Thunder), striking with forceful awakening.
- Upper Right—Xùn (☴ Wind), subtle yet pervasive, shaping all.
- Lower Right—Gèn (☶ Mountain), firm and unmoving, guarding transformation.
As the trigrams settle, heaven and earth establish balance, yin and yang turn in harmony, and the myriad phenomena emerge.
13. The Correspondence Between the Five Phases, Ten Heavenly Stems, and the Eight Trigrams
Tianlai’s thoughts deepened as he traced the cosmic alignment of the Five Phases and Ten Heavenly Stems with the Eight Trigrams:
- Jiǎ-Yǐ (Wood Phase), the force of growth, surging in the east, corresponds to Lí (☲ Fire, East – Azure Dragon)—like the rising sun illuminating all.
- Bǐng-Dīng (Fire Phase), the fiery blaze soaring high, corresponds to Qián (☰ Heaven, South – Vermilion Bird)—like the celestial fire burning fiercely.
- Wù-Jǐ (Earth Phase), the stable root of all things, corresponds to the Central Taiji (麒麟, Qílín, the Mystic Beast)—the origin and container of all transformations.
- Gēng-Xīn (Metal Phase), the purifying force, corresponds to Kǎn (☵ Water, West – White Tiger)—like the autumn wind cutting through illusions.
- Rén-Guǐ (Water Phase), the deep, life-giving river, corresponds to Kūn (☷ Earth, North – Black Tortoise)—like the hidden streams nourishing the world.
14. The Ever-Spinning Wisdom of Fuxi’s Eight Trigrams
Tianlai smiled again, sighing softly:
"The Dao that can be spoken is not the eternal Dao.
The name that can be named is not the eternal name." 【Tianlai jumped out and offered different perspective:"The Dao can be walked—walk the path of heaven. A name can be spoken—speak the true word." Dao is meant for the feet, not for the lips. Name is meant for communication with the heart, not for playing concept game in the head. 】
The Eight Trigrams are not mere symbols; they are the tracks of the cosmos in motion. The Five Phases and Ten Heavenly Stems are not rigid laws; they are the rhythmic echoes of heaven and earth.
Heaven is a drum, the Eight Trigrams its notes, the Five Phases its rhythm, and the human heart its resonating string.
When heaven and earth sing in harmony, when the heart aligns with the Dao, one can move effortlessly with the rhythm of all things—dancing with the cosmic flow, laughing in the endless transformations of life.