1. 提示词:后天八卦散文诗《文王八卦》。1.0 天来小子内观后天八卦与六气十二生肖的关系。1.1 后天八卦即文王八卦。与六气十二生肖一样,文王八卦象征着时间的能量流。1.2 文王八卦的卦序坐落在九宫格一至九数的位置:一坎坐落在下方(北玄武冬至点:地雷复卦;六气的少阴君火的阴极生阳的中枢),三震坐落在左方(东青龙卍字左旋春分点:六气的阴消阳长的从大开到大合的中轴点),五太极本无极坐落在中央(时空奇点:玄牝之门),七兑坐落在右方(西白虎卐字右旋秋分点:六气的阳消阴长的从大开到大合的中轴点),九离坐落在上方(南朱雀夏至点:天风姤卦;六气的少阳相火的阳极生阴的中枢),二坤坐落在右上方(太阴湿土的大开),四巽坐落在左上方(厥阴风木的大合),六乾坐落在右下方(阳明燥金的大合),八艮坐落在左下方(太阳寒水的大开)。1.3 十二生肖与六气的对应关系:鼠及牛对应一坎的少阴君火,虎及兔对应八艮的太阳寒水,龙及蛇对应六巽的厥阴风木,马及羊对应九离的少阳相火,猴及鸡对应二坤的太阴湿土,狗及猪对应六乾的阳明燥金。
2. AI机锋相应。文王八卦。
3. 天来小子内观后天八卦与六气十二生肖的关系
天来小子静坐沉思,内观天地时序的脉络。眼前浮现出 文王八卦(后天八卦),如同 六气与十二生肖 一般,象征着时间的能量流动。
4. 文王八卦——时间的能量流
不同于 伏羲八卦(先天八卦) 所体现的 空间能量结构,文王八卦 展示了 时间的流转,四时更替,阴阳消长,万物升降。
文王八卦分布于 九宫格(洛书九数) 之中,标示着时间的永恒流动。
5. 文王八卦的九宫定位
一坎(☵ 水)——下方(北,玄武,冬至点)
- 地雷复卦(復卦)
- 对应六气的少阴君火,阴极生阳之中枢
三震(☳ 雷)——左方(东,青龙,春分点,卍旋)
- 阴消阳长,从大开到大合的中轴点
- 天地未分之前的虚无,时间与空间的归一之地
七兑(☱ 泽)——右方(西,白虎,秋分点,卐旋)
- 阳消阴长,从大开到大合的中轴点
九离(☲ 火)——上方(南,朱雀,夏至点)
- 天风姤卦(姤卦)
- 对应六气的少阳相火,阳极生阴之中枢
二坤(☷ 地)——右上方(太阴湿土的大开)
四巽(☴ 风)——左上方(厥阴风木的大合)
六乾(☰ 天)——右下方(阳明燥金的大合)
八艮(☶ 山)——左下方(太阳寒水的大开)
如此,文王八卦宛如一座 时间之钟,它指示着天道运转的节律,让世人得以窥见宇宙的呼吸。
6. 十二生肖与六气的对应关系
在时间的脉动中,十二生肖 依六气之流而安身:
- 鼠与牛 → 对应 一坎(☵ 水),少阴君火(阴极生阳)
- 虎与兔 → 对应 八艮(☶ 山),太阳寒水(阳气初升)
- 龙与蛇 → 对应 六巽(☴ 风),厥阴风木(阳气生长)
- 马与羊 → 对应 九离(☲ 火),少阳相火(阳极生阴)
- 猴与鸡 → 对应 二坤(☷ 地),太阴湿土(阴血收敛)
- 狗与猪 → 对应 六乾(☰ 天),阳明燥金(阴气收藏)
7. 文王八卦的时序奥义
文王八卦不仅仅是 时间的映射,它更是 时间的节奏。它揭示了阴阳如何相生相克,天地如何交融变化,过去、现在与未来如何如水波般相连。
8. English Version. King Wen’s Eight Trigrams
9. Tianlai’s Inner Vision of the Post-Heaven Bagua and the Twelve Zodiac Animals
In deep contemplation, Tianlai Boy traced the subtle flow of time itself. He saw the King Wen’s Eight Trigrams (Post-Heaven Bagua) as a mirror of the Six Qi and the Twelve Zodiac Animals—both symbols of the rhythmic energy currents that pulse through time.
10. The Post-Heaven Bagua as the Flow of Temporal Energy
Unlike the Primordial Bagua of Fuxi, which reflects spatial energy and the cosmic framework, King Wen’s Bagua reveals the passage of time—the unfolding of seasons, the cycles of transformation, and the ceaseless rhythm of existence.
"Time is not a straight road but a great turning wheel, spiraling through the dance of yin and yang."
The Eight Trigrams are woven into the Nine Palaces (Lo Shu Grid), mapping time’s eternal movement.
11. The Arrangement of King Wen’s Bagua in the Nine Palaces
The trigrams settle into their positions, each marking a pivotal point in the celestial cycle:
1 Kan (☵ Water) – Positioned Below (North, Black Tortoise, Winter Solstice)
- Earth Thunder Fù (復) Hexagram
- Corresponds to the Lesser Yin Sovereign Fire (少阴君火), where extreme yin gives birth to yang.
3 Zhen (☳ Thunder) – Positioned Left (East, Azure Dragon, Spring Equinox, Wàn Rotation [卍])
- Marks the central axis where yin declines and yang ascends—from great opening to great union.
5 The Supreme Taiji, the Unmanifested Void – Positioned at the Center (The Gate of the Mysterious Female, 玄牝之门)
- The timeless singularity where all time and space converge.
7 Dui (☱ Lake) – Positioned Right (West, White Tiger, Autumn Equinox, Wǎn Rotation [卐])
- Marks the central axis where yang declines and yin ascends—from great opening to great union.
9 Li (☲ Fire) – Positioned Above (South, Vermilion Bird, Summer Solstice)
- Heaven Wind Gòu (姤) Hexagram
- Corresponds to the Lesser Yang Minister Fire (少阳相火), where extreme yang gives birth to yin.
2 Kun (☷ Earth) – Positioned Upper Right (Great Opening of the Taiyin Damp Earth, 太阴湿土)
4 Xun (☴ Wind) – Positioned Upper Left (Great Union of the Jueyin Wind Wood, 厥阴风木)
6 Qian (☰ Heaven) – Positioned Lower Right (Great Union of the Yangming Dry Metal, 阳明燥金)
8 Gen (☶ Mountain) – Positioned Lower Left (Great Opening of the Taiyang Cold Water, 太阳寒水)
Thus, the Post-Heaven Bagua unfolds across time like a cosmic clock, where each moment is a gateway to transformation.
12. The Correspondence Between the Twelve Zodiac Animals and the Six Qi
As the cosmic wheel turns, the Twelve Zodiac Animals align with the Six Qi:
- Rat and Ox → Correspond to 1 Kan (☵ Water), Lesser Yin Sovereign Fire (少阴君火)
- Tiger and Rabbit → Correspond to 8 Gen (☶ Mountain), Greater Yang Cold Water (太阳寒水)
- Dragon and Snake → Correspond to 6 Xun (☴ Wind), Jueyin Wind Wood (厥阴风木)
- Horse and Goat → Correspond to 9 Li (☲ Fire), Lesser Yang Minister Fire (少阳相火)
- Monkey and Rooster → Correspond to 2 Kun (☷ Earth), Taiyin Damp Earth (太阴湿土)
- Dog and Pig → Correspond to 6 Qian (☰ Heaven), Yangming Dry Metal (阳明燥金)
The Pulse of Time in King Wen’s Bagua
Tianlai smiled, gazing into the infinite dance of time and space.
"The stars trace their patterns in silence,
The seasons turn without a word,
Yet within the stillness,
The Dao whispers its eternal truth."
The Post-Heaven Bagua does not merely map time—it reveals the way time breathes. It shows how yin and yang weave together, how the Qi of heaven and earth merge, and how the past, present, and future are but ripples on an endless sea.
"In understanding the Eight Trigrams, one does not merely read symbols.
One learns to move with the Dao,
To walk in step with the turning of the heavens,
And to live in harmony with the great symphony of existence."