


🎭 第一幕:冬至点,少阴君火的观众席

(一子鼠 & 二丑牛的五组舞者登场!)

💦 涧下水 7—— 冰封之下,暗流涌动;

⚡ 海中金 1—— 深藏海底,待破天光;

🔥 霹雳火 13—— 电闪雷鸣,打破沉寂;

🌳 桑柘木 25—— 冬日残枝,孕育新绿;

🌍 壁上土 19—— 镇守岁寒,等待春生。

🎭 第二幕:春分前,少阳木气的舞台

(三寅虎 & 四卯兔的五组舞者跃入春天!)

🌳 松柏木 14—— 岁寒不凋,傲然独立;

💦 大溪水 26—— 春水初涨,源远流长;

🔥 炉中火 2—— 锻造新生,冶炼未来;

🌍 城头土 8—— 壁垒森严,守护家国;

金箔金 20—— 黄金薄薄,光耀四方。

🎭 第三幕:春分后,太阳火气的舞台

(五辰龙 & 六巳蛇的五组舞者腾跃天地!)

🌳 大林木 3—— 苍天大树,根深叶茂;

白蜡金 9—— 明亮闪烁,千锤百炼;

🔥 覆灯火 21—— 微光不熄,长夜终明;

💦 长流水 15—— 江河浩荡,奔腾不息;

🌍 沙中土 27—— 埋藏潜能,静候春光。

🎭 第四幕:夏至点,少阳相火的舞台

(七午马 & 八未羊的五组舞者狂热奔腾!)

🔥 天上火 28—— 烈焰普照,辉煌极致;

沙中金 16—— 烈火锻炼,终成神兵;

🌍 路旁土 4—— 铺就大地,静待百花;

💦 天河水 22—— 银河落九天,浩渺无垠;

🌳 杨柳木 10—— 柔韧生长,随风摇曳。

🎭 第五幕:秋分前,太阳金气的舞台

(九申猴 & 十酉鸡的五组舞者寒光初现!)

剑锋金 5—— 凛冽锋芒,一斩千军;

🔥 山下火 17—— 温暖未消,藏锋待发;

🌍 大驿土 23—— 四通八达,通行天下;

💦 泉中水 11—— 潺潺不息,智慧流转;

🌳 石榴木 29—— 丰收硕果,孕育未来。

🎭 第六幕:秋分后,太阴水气的舞台

(十一戌狗 & 十二亥猪的五组舞者谢幕登场!)

🔥 山头火 6—— 巅峰之火,光耀四方;

💦 大海水 30—— 浩渺无边,归纳众生;

⚡ 钗钏金 24—— 人际相连,细腻温润;

🌍 屋上土 12—— 架屋安家,承载人间;

🌳 平地木 18—— 生生不息,根深扎稳。


🔥 松柏木 & 大林木各归其位!

🐯 天来小子威风赫赫,亲自监修!

🎊 甲子大戏,完美落幕!

此次修改已完全按照您的要求调整,第四幕的 白蜡金 已更改为 沙中金。感谢您的耐心!

The Poetic Scroll of Life:
"The Six Acts Within the Pivot-Opening-Closing of the Sixty-Year Cycle’s Six Qi and the Yin-Yang Dual Qi"

🎭 Act 1: Winter Solstice, the Audience of Lesser Yin Fire

(The performers of the Five Groups: First Rat & Second Ox take the stage!)

💦 Stream Water — Beneath the ice, hidden currents stir;

Sea Gold — Deep below the ocean, awaiting the first light;

🔥 Thunder Fire — A flash of lightning, breaking the stillness;

🌳 Mulberry Wood — Winter branches, nurturing new life;

🌍 Wall Earth — Guarding the cold season, awaiting the arrival of spring.

🎭 Act 2: Before the Spring Equinox, the Stage of Lesser Yang Wood Energy

(Performers of the Five Groups: Third Tiger & Fourth Rabbit leap into spring!)

🌳 Pine and Cypress Wood — Enduring through the cold, standing proudly;

💦 Great River Water — Spring waters begin to rise, flowing endlessly;

🔥 Furnace Fire — Forging new life, smelting the future;

🌍 City Wall Earth — A solid fortress, protecting the homeland;

Gold Leaf Gold — Thin sheets of gold, shining brilliantly.

🎭 Act 3: After the Spring Equinox, the Stage of Solar Fire Energy

(Performers of the Five Groups: Fifth Dragon & Sixth Snake leap through heaven and earth!)

🌳 Great Forest Wood — Tall trees, deep roots, flourishing leaves;

White Wax Gold — Shining bright, forged through a thousand trials;

🔥 Lamp Fire — A flickering light, the long night finally ends;

💦 Long Flowing Water — Rivers flowing endlessly, unstoppable;

🌍 Sand Earth — Hidden potential, awaiting the return of spring.

🎭 Act 4: Summer Solstice, the Stage of Lesser Yang Fire Energy

(Performers of the Five Groups: Seventh Horse & Eighth Sheep charge forward!)

🔥 Heavenly Fire — Blazing flames, shining in their full glory;

Sand Gold — Refined by fire, turning into a mighty weapon;

🌍 Roadside Earth — Laying down the path for all to travel;

💦 Heavenly River Water — The Milky Way descending, vast and boundless;

🌳 Willow Wood — Growing resilient, bending in the wind.

🎭 Act 5: Before the Autumn Equinox, the Stage of Solar Gold Energy

(Performers of the Five Groups: Ninth Monkey & Tenth Rooster shine in cold light!)

Sword Edge Gold — Cold and sharp, slashing through the ranks;

🔥 Mountain Fire — The warmth lingers, with the edge still waiting to strike;

🌍 Great Caravan Earth — Connecting all paths, traveling across the world;

💦 Spring Water — Flowing gently, wisdom circulating;

🌳 Pomegranate Wood — Bearing abundant fruit, sowing the seeds for the future.

🎭 Act 6: After the Autumn Equinox, the Stage of Greater Yin Water Energy

(Performers of the Five Groups: Eleventh Dog & Twelfth Pig take their final bow!)

🔥 Mountain Top Fire — The peak of fire, shining in all its glory;

💦 Great Ocean Water — Vast and infinite, uniting all beings;

Hairpin Gold — Connecting all relationships, delicate and refined;

🌍 Roof Earth — Constructing homes, supporting humanity;

🌳 Flat Land Wood — Life perpetually renews, deeply rooted and steady.

🌟 The Great Cycle of the Sixty Jiazi has officially concluded! 🌟

🔥 Pine & Cypress Wood and Great Forest Wood take their rightful places!

🐯 Tianlai Xiaozi’s majestic supervision, ensuring perfection!

🎊 The Jiazi Grand Drama, the perfect finale!

This is the complete version in English with the adjustments you requested. I hope this meets your vision!

