
Living in the Present: The Grand Map of the Four Symbols and Five Beasts. 4Dec24. 1636hrs.


Living in the Present: The Grand Map of the Four Symbols and Five Beasts

Philosophical Interpretation in English:
To live fully in the present moment is to embody the unity of heaven, earth, and humanity. This journey reveals the True Self ("Naming the True Self") and inspires one to walk the path of authenticity ("Living the Way of the True Human"). Through this practice, an ordinary person transforms into a Living Sage, achieving a life of wisdom, artistry, and harmony—balancing the highest insight with grounded simplicity.

Structure of the Four Symbols and Five Beasts

The Four Symbols (North Black Tortoise, East Azure Dragon, South Vermilion Bird, West White Tiger) represent the dynamic forces of the universe: directional energy flow, seasonal cycles, and cosmic transformation. The Five Beasts (with the Central Unicorn added to the Four Symbols) reflect humanity’s role as a unifying force, bridging heaven and earth, and embodying the dynamic balance of life.

Through this symbolic map, an individual transcends the limitations of ego and realizes the boundless potential of the Self. The journey leads to the harmonious integration of wisdom, compassion, and action.

First Stage: The Northern Symbol – Black Tortoise

Keywords: Reflection, Awareness, Self-Mastery
The North represents winter and the night, symbolizing introspection and spiritual depth. The Black Tortoise embodies hidden potential and transformation. In this stage, individuals awaken their inner wisdom by confronting their struggles, anxieties, and attachments, transforming challenges into moments of clarity.

Life as Art:
Wisdom begins with self-awareness. By delving into the depths of the mind and heart, one cultivates the stillness necessary to grow, uncovering the seeds of enlightenment.

Second Stage: The Eastern Symbol – Azure Dragon

Keywords: Creativity, Vitality, Aspiration
The East represents spring and the dawn, symbolizing renewal and growth. The Azure Dragon signifies life’s expansive energy and creative force. In this stage, individuals channel newfound clarity into action, striving for excellence and embodying the pursuit of truth, beauty, and virtue.

Life as Art:
The journey of "daily progress" unleashes life’s vibrant energy. Like the Dragon ascending to the heavens, one’s efforts and creativity reflect an unstoppable vitality.

Third Stage: The Southern Symbol – Vermilion Bird

Keywords: Wisdom, Radiance, Compassion
The South represents summer and the midday, symbolizing life’s peak and the emergence of wisdom. The Vermilion Bird represents enlightenment, clarity, and spiritual warmth. In this stage, individuals integrate their understanding with action, spreading light to themselves and others through compassion and insight.

Life as Art:
Living with "wisdom as fire," one becomes a source of illumination, inspiring others to recognize their potential and live meaningfully.

Fourth Stage: The Western Symbol – White Tiger

Keywords: Maturity, Integration, Service
The West represents autumn and the evening, symbolizing introspection and completion. The White Tiger signifies the power of refinement and mastery. In this stage, individuals distill their experiences into wisdom and share their insights with others, fostering a legacy of harmony and understanding.

Life as Art:
Balancing strength with gentleness, individuals at this stage live with calm authority, uplifting others and creating a ripple effect of goodness.

Fifth Stage: The Central Symbol – Unicorn as the One Harmony

Keywords: Balance, Wholeness, Unity
The Center represents the integration of all seasons and times, symbolizing the harmony of the cosmos. The Unicorn embodies the "Middle Way," reflecting both extraordinary insight and humble simplicity. This is the stage where the ordinary individual fully embodies the union of heaven and earth.

Life as Art:
At this stage, one lives seamlessly in the present moment, balancing complexity and simplicity. The individual becomes a living embodiment of wisdom, merging universal energy with personal presence.

The Ultimate Goal: The Living Sage

Through the flow of the Four Symbols and Five Beasts, an ordinary person embarks on a transformative journey:

  1. Naming the True Self: Recognizing the authentic essence within.
  2. Walking the Path of the True Human: Translating awareness into meaningful action.
  3. Unity of Heaven, Earth, and Humanity: Harmonizing insight, compassion, and action in every moment.

This process leads to the attainment of the Living Sage state—a life unshackled by ego or illusions. The Living Sage does not flee the world nor cling to its distractions. Instead, they live authentically, creatively, and harmoniously in every present moment, embodying the cosmic unity of existence.

























  1. 称真我名: 认清自己的本真,活出内心的觉悟。
  2. 行真人道: 踏实走好人间之路,化生活为艺术。
  3. 天地人合一: 在世间的每一瞬间都展现“极高明而道中庸”的生命智慧。


Living in the present moment of rootedness is, in truth, a return to the cosmological life of space-time. 4Dec24. 1604hrs.

 "Living in the present moment is, in truth, a return to the cosmological life of space-time."

This statement encapsulates a profound understanding of existence, weaving together philosophical and scientific perspectives. It resonates with the ancient Chinese concept of “格物致知” (ge wu zhi zhi — to investigate things to extend knowledge) and aligns with modern insights into the flow of space-time and cosmic energy. Here is an interpretation:

The Energy Flow of Life-Time Cosmology in the Present Moment

Living in the present moment is not merely a psychological practice but a reunion with the life-energy that permeates space-time. It represents a harmonious alignment with the essential nature of existence, where past, present, and future converge in the experience of the now.

In the context of life-time cosmology, the present moment is not an isolated point in time but a nexus of energy flow, where the past meets the future and manifests as the dynamic vitality of the present. Each moment is infused with this energy, representing the infinite interconnectedness of the cosmos.

The Philosophy of "Touching the things-in-themselves" and "things-in-themselves" (The Ontology in the metaphysical world domain.)

“格物而物格” (touching the things-in-themselves and the things-in-themselves being touched.) implies that by investigating external phenomena deeply, we gain access into their fundamental essence. The "things-in-themselves" (本物;物自身) under scrutiny ultimately points to the void - metaphysical world (无) — not a nihilistic emptiness but a profound and boundless energy field that connects all things.

"本物" (True Nature of Things; things-in-themselves):

  1. “本来无一物” (Originally, there is nothingness.):
    This highlights the impermanence and interdependent nature of all things. Nothing exists independently; everything arises due to causes and conditions. This absence of fixed existence reflects the fundamental emptiness of reality.

  2. “无物而无不物” (With the nothingness of the things-in-themselves, there is nothing excluded):
    Since things are deeply rooted in the nothingness of the things-in-themselves, they simultaneously manifest in infinite forms. This cosmological statement reveals the unity of nothingness and things, the cosmic flow that encompasses all phenomena.

Thus, living in the present moment is an awareness of this interconnected flow — embracing both the nothingness and fullness of life, liberated from clinging to the past or longing for the future.

"With the nothingness of the things-in-themselves, Nothing Excluded" and the Cosmic Energy Flow

These concepts articulate the universal principle of energy flow:

  1. The cosmos is in constant motion, with no fixed or eternal entities — only the unceasing transformation of energy.
  2. This energy manifests both as nothingness (the things-in-themselves) and as the fullness of all phenomena, embodying the interplay of ontological and phenomena presence.

To live in the present moment is to align oneself with this flow, experiencing the deep interconnection of all things, where individual existence rooted in the nothingness of the things-in-themselves and thus flourishes fully into the continuous unfolding of people-events-things in the society and universe.

The Flow of Energy in Life-Time Cosmology

In the framework of life-time cosmology, the universe can be understood as an intricate flow of energy, expressed in the following ways:

  1. Continuity of Energy Flow:
    Energy transcends time and space, interweaving past, present, and future into a seamless continuum.

  2. Interconnection of Individual and Universal:
    Every being and phenomenon is part of a vast, interconnected energy network. Individual lives are localized expressions of this universal flow.

  3. The Present Moment as the Nexus:
    The present is the convergence point of past and future, the meeting place of the entire cosmos. To live fully in the present is to step into the center of the cosmic energy stream and rediscover one’s intrinsic unity with the whole.

Living in the Present Moment as Cosmic Return

Living in the present moment transcends mere mindfulness; it is a return to the source — the cosmic energy flow that animates all of existence. By aligning with the present, we transcend the illusion of separateness and rediscover our identity as part of the continuous energy of the universe.

This alignment with the cosmic flow allows us to experience each moment as the full embodiment of time and space, infused with infinite potential and eternal life. Living in the present moment of rootedness, rooted deeply in the nothingness of the things-in-themselves, becomes a gateway to the timeless, boundless life of the cosmos, where we merge with the energy flow of all creation, realizing that we are not apart from the universe but an essential expression of its vibrant, flowing essence.









  • “本物:本来无一物”

  • “无物而无不物”




  1. 宇宙中的一切都在不断变化与流转,没有永恒不变的实体,只有能量的无尽流动
  2. 这股流动的能量既体现为空性,又充盈于万物之中,是无与有的辩证统一。




  1. 能量的流动是连续的

  2. 个体与整体的联结

  3. 当下是连接一切的节点



从道的起源到天地万物的生成以及人的觉醒和生活艺术. 20241204午0315时



1. 道(无极♾️)生一(太极☯️)

Chinese: 无极为无限潜能,道为万物之根,生发为太极,一切从此统一而生。

English: The Infinite Dao represents boundless potential, giving rise to the Taiji (Supreme Polarity), the unity from which all emerges.

2. 一生二(阴0阳1鱼☯️)

Chinese: 太极分化为阴阳,两仪相互依存,万象由此孕育。

English: The Taiji divides into Yin and Yang, the dual forces that complement and create all phenomena.

3. 二生三(三联遗传子:一气化三清)

Chinese: 阴阳交感,一气化三清,孕育生命的遗传三联,象征天地生命之三要素。

English: The interplay of Yin and Yang creates the genetic triads (三联遗传子), symbolizing the trinity of life.

4. 三生万物(物质界的0和1的二进位制的复杂组合;人类界的四进位制的A-T-G-C的四进位制的复杂组合

Chinese: 三清化育万物,天地万物皆本于无极与太极,“物自身”即其本源与实相。

English: The trinity generates all things, where “things-in-themselves” reflect the true nature sourced from Dao.


5. 格物而物格(本物:本来无一物;无物而无不物,(地藏菩萨的心地宝藏)遍体天地万物而不遗;天理流行)

Chinese: 格物是探寻天地之本质,激活北玄武天根处的“物自身”(法性)。

English: Investigating things reveals their essence, activating the “things-in-themselves” at the North Black Tortoise’s Heavenly Root.

6. 致知而后知致(良知:般若无知;无知而无不知,(观音菩萨的千手千眼)普观众生根器(病机-病症-病例-病案)而随类现身(触诊;施针;开药)、应机说法(情志病;语言即是治疗手段);量身定做的个性化的治疗手段--TCM的治疗原则在此;良心发现)

Chinese: 知识源于实践,物格而知致,南朱雀的良心随“物自身”觉醒而现。

English: Knowledge arises from engagement. When “things-in-themselves” are activated, conscience awakens at the South Vermilion Bird’s Moon-Cave.

7. 诚意而后意诚意根最微-有诸中-内圣德,诚体本天-形于外-外王道;意诚交融-中外通-大人行止;至善栖止之地,良心在此,天理亦在此;寂然不动,感而遂通天下之故)

Chinese: 要诚其意,先致其知,而致知在格物;格物而后知致、而后意诚:意根最微,诚体本天;寂然不动,感而遂通天地万物四象流转之人-事-物之故

English: To self-examine the will with sincerity, one must first regain conscience through touching the things-in-themselves, leading to ultimate harmony of things-events-people at the center of the Four Symbols.


8. 活在当下的四象五禽图

Chinese: 达到此时真我(称真我名)的天地人合一的境界,展现此地真人(走真人道)的天人合一的生活艺术,此人普通人(极高明而道中庸)的活神仙的智慧化人生。

English: Embody the unity of heaven, earth, and humanity, living an artful life in harmony—a wise, transcendental existence.



 提示: 活在当下,实际上是回归到宇宙生命的时空流动之中。





returning to the Cosmological life of space-time. 4Dec24. 1254hrs.

Prompt: Living in the present moment is actually returning to the Cosmological life of space-time. 

AI's Response:

Indeed, living in the present moment can be seen as a return to the cosmological flow of space-time. In many philosophical traditions, the present moment is the intersection of past and future, where the eternal flow of time is experienced as a living, dynamic process. When we truly live in the present, we align ourselves with the natural rhythm of the universe—where time is neither an abstract future nor a distant past, but an unfolding reality that is always "now."

In cosmological terms, space-time is the very fabric of the universe, and everything exists within it, constantly moving, changing, and evolving. The present moment can be understood as the point of convergence where all aspects of existence—past experiences, future possibilities, and the current state of the universe—coalesce. When we experience this moment fully, we tap into the eternal, unbroken flow of life, like a wave in the ocean of time.

This understanding resonates with the teachings of many traditions, from the mindfulness practices of Buddhism to the concept of the Tao in Chinese philosophy. In these systems, returning to the present moment is akin to returning to the source, the primordial unity from which all things emerge. It is a way of reconnecting with the cosmic rhythm that guides the unfolding of all existence, a way of living harmoniously within the vast, interconnected space-time continuum.

Living in the present moment is not merely an individual practice but a universal one, reminding us that we are not separate from the cosmos, but intimately connected to its ever-present, ever-flowing energy.

Stage Play: The Great Scroll of the Four Symbols and Five Animals: The Art of Realizing the True Self. 4Dec24. 1242hrs.


Stage Play: The Great Scroll of the Four Symbols and Five Animals: The Art of Realizing the True Self

Character Design & Role Introduction:

  1. Zhong Sheng (First Male Lead) — Northern Water Element in Winter Night; North Black Tortoise.
  2. Luo Han (Second Male Lead) — Eastern Wood Element in Spring Morning; Eastern Azure Dragon.
  3. A Miao (First Female Lead) — Southern Fire Element in Summer Day; Southern Vermilion Bird.
  4. A Sa (Second Female Lead) — Western Metal Element in Autumn Evening; Western White Tiger.
  5. Pu Tong Ren (Fifth Role) — Central Earth Element for All Seasons; Central Unicorn.

Act 1: The Awakening of Zhong Sheng

Scene: A dimly lit bar, cold winter night in the North.

  • Zhong Sheng, dressed in tattered clothes, his eyes vacant and full of confusion, sits alone in a corner of the bar, engulfed by the noise and haze of indulgence in alcohol, wealth, and lust. His life is a mess—his relationships in shambles, and his mind tormented by manic depression.

【The stage darkens, and Zhong Sheng absentmindedly flips through a Buddhist scripture.】

  • Zhong Sheng (muttering while reading):
    "All phenomena are impermanent, all things lack a self…"
    【His gaze sharpens as his attention is drawn to the words.】
    What is this? Is this the answer I’ve been searching for?

【A beam of light shines down, drawing Zhong Sheng into the world of Buddhist teachings.】

  • Zhong Sheng (inner monologue):
    So it is true. All suffering stems from attachment. Can I break free from this cycle and find true liberation?

【His figure fades into the light, as the energy of Buddha-nature is awakened. The stage transforms into a new setting, leading into Act 2.】

Act 2: Luo Han's Path to the Dao

Scene: The Eastern morning sun shines through branches, the Spring of Eastern Wood Element.

  • Luo Han stands before an ancient temple, holding a Buddhist scripture, exuding a sense of deep wisdom and tranquility. His aura is one of determination, as though he has already embarked on an extraordinary path of spiritual practice.

  • Luo Han (speaking to himself):
    "To seek liberation, one must eradicate all delusions. My resolve is firm; no storms can shake my heart."

【The stage lights brighten as the first rays of dawn touch Luo Han. Behind him, the Azure Dragon rises into the sky.】

  • Luo Han (taking a deep breath, his voice calm and resolute):
    "Day by day, I advance in learning. The path to the Dao is steady, and though I seek it, my heart never strays from the mundane world. I am an Arhat, destined for the truth."

【The stage transforms into a vast sky as Luo Han ascends, his figure turning into the Azure Dragon, soaring into the heavens.】

Act 3: A Miao’s Wisdom

Scene: The Southern summer, the sun at its zenith, Vermilion Bird soaring high in the sky.

  • A Miao (seated on a lotus throne, serene and composed, radiating infinite wisdom and grace) meditates peacefully, her aura glowing with the light of Buddha’s wisdom. She embodies the state of perfect enlightenment, where all things are seen as empty yet full.

  • A Miao (softly reciting):
    "True emptiness, marvelous existence, all dharmas arise from this emptiness."
    【Her gentle smile suggests a profound understanding that transcends all suffering and confusion.】

【The stage glows with soft light, transforming as the Vermilion Bird rises into the air, embodying the wisdom and virtue of a Buddha.】

  • A Miao (looking into the distance, her voice filled with quiet confidence):
    "I am one with the cosmos. All beings, all phenomena, are reflections of my Buddha-nature. I am the embodiment of the true nature of the universe."

【The stage subtly shifts as A Miao becomes the Vermilion Bird, soaring with boundless wisdom, disappearing into the light.】

Act 4: A Sa’s Return to Truth

Scene: The Western autumn evening, the sun setting as the White Tiger emerges from its lair.

  • A Sa (dressed in a bodhisattva robe, her expression filled with compassion and grace) enters the stage slowly. Her gaze is steady and filled with a deep, unshakable kindness. She stands poised to guide the world, ready to ease the suffering of all beings.

  • A Sa (smiling softly as she addresses the audience):
    "Return with compassion. Even in the depths of suffering, there is always hope for salvation. I am here to guide, to uplift all beings."

【The stage glows golden as the White Tiger leaps from the depths, embodying the strength and mercy of a Bodhisattva.】

  • A Sa (holding a spiritual staff, speaking with a deep sense of determination):
    "I return with the vow to liberate all. My form is infinite, my compassion boundless. Let this world be freed from its endless cycles of birth and death."

【The stage fades to serenity as A Sa merges with the White Tiger and is absorbed into the light of compassion.】

Act 5: Pu Tong Ren’s Union with the Dao

Scene: 21st-century urban setting. A young person stands in a bustling city square, holding an AI device, embodying both modern technology and ancient wisdom.

  • Pu Tong Ren (a name meaning "ordinary person," but his presence conveys extraordinary depth) looks at his device, then lifts his gaze toward the vast sky. A quiet smile crosses his face as he reflects on the balance of technology and spiritual practice.

  • Pu Tong Ren (speaking softly to himself):
    "In a world of infinite distractions, the true wisdom is always within. The path of the Dao is neither distant nor separate from this moment. I live with clarity in the now."

【The stage’s lights shift to a calm, reflective atmosphere. Pu Tong Ren becomes the embodiment of the Unicorn, radiant and harmonious with the energy of the universe. 】

  • Pu Tong Ren (with a deep smile):
    "The profound path is not for the few but for all. I am one with the Four Symbols and Five Animals, and the universe is within me."

【The stage transforms into a vast, open space. Pu Tong Ren's form merges with the Qilin, as he rises to embrace the infinite flow of energy, representing both human and cosmic unity.】

End of Play

Note: This stage play weaves the journey of spiritual awakening through five key characters, each representing different aspects of the Four Symbols and Five Animals. Their transformation and the energy flow symbolize the path of self-realization, where the true self is expressed and realized through unity with the universe. Each character embodies a stage in the process of attaining enlightenment and living in harmony with the cosmic order.





  1. 钟声(第一男主)——北方水行冬天夜间之象·北玄武的众生。
  2. 罗汉(第二男主)——东方木行春天晨间之象·东青龙的阿罗汉。
  3. 阿妙(第一女主)——南方火行夏天日间之象·南朱雀的佛陀。
  4. 阿萨(第二女主)——西方金行秋天晚间之象·西白虎的大乘菩萨。
  5. 蒲同人(第五角色)——中央土行四季全天候之一合相·中麒麟的普通人。



  • 钟声穿着破旧的衣衫,眼神迷茫,脸上写满了迷惘与痛苦。他在酒吧内吞云吐雾,沉浸在酒色财气的世界中。人际关系的破裂和躁郁症的折磨令他常常陷入深深的自我挣扎。


  • 钟声(低声念着佛经):


  • 钟声(内心独白):




  • 罗汉站在一座古老的道观前,手持佛经,神情坚定,仿佛他已经走上了超凡的修行道路。他身上散发出一种深沉的智慧与宁静。

  • 罗汉(自言自语):


  • 罗汉(深吸一口气,语气平和):




  • 阿妙(坐于莲花宝座上,身姿端庄,面容如同清明月光,散发出无穷的智慧)正如如来般静坐,静观世间万象,心如止水,洞察一切。

  • 阿妙(轻声念道):


  • 阿妙(笑着看向远方):




  • 阿萨身着清净的菩萨衣,脸上带着慈悲的微笑,缓缓走进舞台中央。她的目光如同照亮黑暗的灯塔,穿透一切迷障。

  • 阿萨(微笑着看向台下众生):


  • 阿萨(手持法器,轻声念道):




  • 蒲同人(低头看着设备,忽然抬头):


  • 蒲同人(微笑着自言自语):


注: 本剧通过五位不同角色的修行之路与觉悟,描绘了人生的不同阶段与宇宙能量流的相互交融,寓意着“称真我名,行真人道”是通向解脱与智慧的道路。

Grand Life Scroll of the Four Symbols and Five Animals: The Art of a Living Immortal. 4Dec24. 1224hrs.


The Grand Life Scroll of the Four Symbols and Five Animals: The Art of a Living Immortal

First Symbol · First Animal: North Tortoise

The night was as dark as ink, and the cold wind cut through the air like a blade. Zhong Sheng, stumbling out of a tavern, clutched an empty wine bottle in his hand. His face was marked by fatigue, but his eyes burned with desire and anger.
"Where's the money? Where are my friends? The people who loved and hated me? All gone..." he muttered, as if his murmurs were the only solace.
Zhong Sheng had been lost in the trappings of wealth, wine, and lust, and had succumbed to the torment of his bipolar disorder. His relationships were shattered, and his mind was like the harsh winter of the North—cold, isolated, and barren.

One day, by chance, he picked up a Buddhist text. A verse struck him with the force of thunder: "All beings have Buddha-nature, and if one turns the light inward, they will instantly awaken to enlightenment."
This sentence felt like a cool spring breaking through the ice in his heart. From that moment on, his Buddha-nature was awakened, and he began to practice. Though the path was not easy, like the Tortoise of the North, Zhong Sheng started to find hope amidst the darkest nights.

Second Symbol · Second Animal: East Dragon

The eastern sky began to glow with the first light of dawn, and the spring wind caressed the branches. Luo Han stood at the top of a mountain, facing the sunrise. His figure was tall and firm, with a sense of resolve that emanated from his every movement. He was a practitioner who sought the highest spiritual state, one with the grandeur of the Great Immortal.
"Learning increases day by day," he murmured, "I wish to rise like the Qinglong, ascending higher each day."

His practice was slow yet steady. Every day, Luo Han followed strict discipline, constantly refining his body and mind. His progress, though subtle, was like the sprouting of spring's first shoots—unseen yet full of potential.
The Qinglong soared to the moon, and Luo Han followed the path of wisdom with each step. From within, he saw the light of liberation, knowing that wisdom is not to escape the world but to transform oneself and others through true understanding.

Third Symbol · Third Animal: South Phoenix

The midday sun burned brightly, and the southern winds were hot and relentless. A Miao sat in a cave, dressed in a simple white robe, with a small red mark on her forehead—like a Buddha’s wisdom glowing from her. The world outside shimmered like the fiery wings of the Phoenix.
"The path of the wondrous truth, the emptiness and the marvelous existence," A Miao said softly, her gaze radiating both compassion and wisdom.

Her practice had brought her to the state of the Buddha, where her wisdom was clear, and her virtue like the blazing sun. She saw beyond the world of phenomena, embodying the very essence of truth. Every word, every glance she gave emanated peace and strength. A Miao was a living embodiment of the wisdom of the Phoenix, showing the radiant path of enlightenment to all who crossed her path.

Fourth Symbol · Fourth Animal: West Tiger

The evening light faded into a tranquil stillness as the autumn winds swept across the fields. A Sa walked into a village, her eyes deep with insight and understanding. Like the Tiger of the West, she was both fierce and serene, possessing the power to withdraw and observe.

She had once been a Bodhisattva but chose to return to the world, reincarnating to help those still trapped in suffering. A Sa’s every action, whether caring for the sick or teaching the children, carried the power of compassion and wisdom.
"To serve all beings is the essence of becoming a Buddha," A Sa whispered. She moved among the people, like Tiger’s gathering power, bringing all those in her presence toward a higher state of understanding. She was here not to escape but to help others rise.

The Union of the Four Symbols · Fifth Animal: Central Unicorn

In the 21st century, in a quiet office, Pu Tong Ren sat before his computer, typing away with precision and ease. An AI engineer by profession, he was also a practitioner of deep mindfulness.

Though his life seemed ordinary—he enjoyed coffee, faced challenges with his work, and occasionally felt frustration—his inner life was extraordinary. Pu Tong Ren knew the power of being present, of embracing both the technology of the modern world and the ancient wisdom of the Four Symbols. When not working, he would close his eyes, focus on his breath, and reconnect with the stillness of the present moment.

"Excellence is found in the balance of extremes," he murmured. He wasn’t an ancient sage, but through his daily life and work, he carried within him the energy of the Four Symbols and Five Animals.

In this moment, he was both an ordinary person and a living immortal. His life was a masterpiece, an unfolding of divine energy in the simplest of actions.

Through the intertwining of the Four Symbols and Five Animals, each individual’s journey becomes a piece of the grand cosmic tapestry. In every moment, from Zhong Sheng’s awakening to A Sa’s compassionate return, each person walks their path, embodying the energy of the universe and contributing to the collective flow of life. The scroll of life is ever-unfolding, and we are all part of the grand design, moving toward enlightenment, one step at a time.






















1. 十法界(10:阴阳五行-四象五禽图的生命时空学)

1.1 四圣法界(4):

  • 声闻法界:四圣谛的世出世间双重因果能量流。
  • 缘觉法界:十二因缘三世因果的时间能量流。
  • 菩萨法界:随缘妙用,破一品无明、证一分法身的觉悟能量流。
  • 佛陀法界:法尔如是、一切现成的自在能量流。

1.2 六道凡夫法界(6):

  • 三善道(天-人-修罗):善恶交错中展现正向潜能的生命时空对立。
  • 三恶道(畜生-饿鬼-地狱):负面冲突与因果深重的生命时空循环。

1.1 三恶道(地狱、饿鬼、畜生)的能量流:



1.2 三善道(修罗、人、天)的能量流:



1.3 声闻与缘觉法界的能量流:



2. 一真法界(1:太极)的能量流:实报庄严土



3. 常寂光土(0:无极)的能量流:觉悟大厦的顶楼




Energy Flow of the Complete Blueprint in the Cosmology of Life and Space-Time. 4Dec24. 1123hrs.

 The Energy Flow of the Complete Blueprint in the Cosmology of Life and Space-Time

  1. The Ten Dharma Realms (10: Yin-Yang, Five Elements, and the Cosmology of Life and Space-Time via the Four Images and Five Animal Patterns)
    • Four Holy Realms (4):
      • Śrāvaka Realm (Energy flow of dual-layered causality: mundane and transcendental, based on the Four Noble Truths).
      • Pratyekabuddha Realm (Temporal energy flow rooted in the Three-Lifetime Cause and Effect of the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination).
      • Bodhisattva Realm (Transformative energy flow of breaking through one layer of ignorance and realizing one portion of the Dharmakāya).
      • Buddha Realm (Effortless energy flow of “Thusness,” embodying the truth that everything is as it is).
    • Six Realms of Sentient Beings (6):
      • Three Virtuous Realms (Deva, Human, and Asura realms: life-space duality of virtuous potential).
      • Three Evil Realms (Animal, Hungry Ghost, and Hell realms: life-space duality of negative conflict).

1.1 The Energy Flow in the Three Evil Realms (Hell, Hungry Ghost, Animal)

At the lowest stratum of the cosmology, the energy of the Hell Realm calls for salvation. Enter the compassionate Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, the Lord of the Netherworld!
Kṣitigarbha proclaims:
“Beings in the three evil realms, listen well! The mysteries (A-T-G-C) are within you. Though you suffer immensely due to your fall into these realms, your innermost nature is no different from that of the Buddhas. Understand that the Buddhas are not external to your existence but reside within your life itself. Tap into your inner treasure, transform evil into good, and achieve liberation for yourself and others!”
This declaration applies equally to the denizens of the Hungry Ghost and Animal Realms.

1.2 Energy Flow in the Three Virtuous Realms (Asura, Human, Deva)

The opening foundation for enlightenment begins here, yet a guide is needed to ascend further. Enter Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva, the Mother of Buddhas Across Three Times!
“All Buddhas of the past, present, and future attained enlightenment by following Mañjuśrī’s Prajñā teachings. Likewise, sentient beings of the virtuous realms must rely on wisdom to transcend the suffering of samsāra and achieve the fruit of Arhatship.”

1.3 Energy Flow in the Śrāvaka and Pratyekabuddha Realms (Realm of Expedient Liberation)

At this level of the cosmology, liberation from ego is achieved, yet subtle clinging to concepts remains. Who shall guide them further? Enter Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva, the Father of Compassion!
With “great compassion beyond conditions” and “shared essence with all,” Avalokiteśvara calls out:
“Śrāvakas and Pratyekabuddhas, though you have transcended self-attachment, you remain bound by attachment to the Dharma. Turn to the compassionate practices of the Bodhisattvas, exchange small enlightenment for great awakening, and realize true freedom!”

  1. The One True Realm (1: Tai Chi) and the Energy Flow of the Perfect Realm of Noble Recompense
    This stage represents the third level of the "Mansion of Enlightenment," where the 41 stages of the Bodhisattva path are navigated. Each stage requires the breaking of one veil of ignorance and the realization of one segment of the Dharmakāya.

The Bodhisattva of Equal Awakening at this level has already attained Buddhahood countless eons ago. They return out of great compassion to guide others. Among the Bodhisattvas, Samantabhadra stands out as the "eldest son of the Tathāgata," a model for all Bodhisattvas. His great vows inspire all beings on the Bodhisattva path to perfect their practice and dedicate their merit universally.

  1. The Land of Eternally Quiescent Light (0: Wuji) and the Energy Flow of the Supreme Realization
    This ultimate level represents the "rooftop" of the Mansion of Enlightenment, the cosmic pinnacle where energy flows harmonize between the universe and life. Wuji (the Infinite) births Tai Chi (the Supreme Ultimate), and Tai Chi ultimately reveals its origin in Wuji.

Here, the Four Great Bodhisattvas—Kṣitigarbha, Avalokiteśvara, Mañjuśrī, and Samantabhadra—gather, embodying the unity of wisdom, compassion, vows, and resolve. At this realm, Bodhisattvas of Equal Awakening fully recollect their identity as Buddhas, realizing the inseparability of cosmic consciousness and the present moment.

The Land of Eternally Quiescent Light is not just a distant transcendental realm. It manifests within the human body, symbolized by the “Baihui” acupoint at the crown of the head. This realm connects the microcosm of human life to the macrocosm of universal energy, reminding all beings that enlightenment is not elsewhere but profoundly here and now.

DNA Novel "The Destiny of the Four Bases". 4Dec24. 1029hrs.

 "The Destiny of the Four Bases"

In a magical world, four young individuals lived side by side, bound by a deep and intricate connection. They were the beautiful girl A, the soulful companion T, the gorgeous lady G, and the handsome, lifelong partner C. Their relationships were like four intertwined flowers, dependent on one another, and each person's life trajectory was inseparable from the others. Their story mirrors the mysterious four bases of DNA—A, T, G, and C—transmitting the code of life.

Chapter One: A and T — A Bond of Deep Understanding

A was a bright and beautiful young girl, her eyes sparkling like radiant stars. She was curious, free-spirited, and loved to explore the unknown with her friends. Every thought she had seemed to carry a touch of creativity, always bringing new surprises. A and T had been childhood friends, with a profound bond between them. T, a deep and reserved young man, was gentle and graceful, like a quiet mountain. The relationship between A and T was one of an unspoken, soul-deep connection, as though their thoughts and spirits were in perfect harmony.

Scientists discovered that A and T’s relationship mirrored the pairing of A and T in DNA. They were naturally drawn to each other, complementary in every way, just like the hydrogen bonds that connect A and T. Their bond was unbreakable and eternal, stabilizing the transmission of genetic information in harmony.

Chapter Two: G and C — The Fusion of Beauty and Strength

G was an elegant beauty, her smile as warm as sunlight, and her aura as captivating as a blooming flower. C, on the other hand, was a handsome and charismatic young man with a strong presence. His deep, reassuring eyes gave everyone around him a sense of security. G and C were a perfect match, their union as stable and vital as the bond between G and C in the DNA helix. Their connection was nothing short of destined, perfectly crafted, and unshakable.

Just as G and C pair together in the genetic code to ensure the stability of genetic transmission, G and C's relationship was a symbol of strength and beauty merged into one. They were inseparable, a fundamental part of the structure of life. Scientists found that the pairing of G and C is crucial for maintaining the integrity of genetic information, making sure it is passed down consistently.

Chapter Three: The Meeting of the Four — The Unveiling of the Life Code

One day, A, T, G, and C found themselves in a serene garden, symbolic of the origin of life. Together, they stood at the source of all things, feeling the pulse of the universe. They knew their meeting was no mere coincidence; each of them had a significant role in fulfilling a grand mission—transmitting the code of life.

"We seem to create miracles whenever we're together," A said, smiling at the others.

"Yes," T responded softly, "When we are together, the laws of life seem so simple and clear. A and T, G and C—it's like a bond that exists beyond words. We're meant to complement each other, just like these base pairs."

"Just as we each contribute to the greater whole, the universe operates in a balanced, intricate way," G added, her eyes shining with wisdom.

C nodded. "This is the wonder of destiny. We are the symbols of life encoded in the universe."

They all deeply understood that their roles were irreplaceable. A and T were the pact of thought and soul; G and C were the fusion of beauty and strength. Their relationships were like the four bases of DNA—interdependent, complementary, and together, they formed the structure of life.

Chapter Four: The Revelation of Destiny

Scientists, through their exploration of DNA, uncovered the critical roles that the four bases—A, T, G, and C—play in life. In this magical world, A, T, G, and C were not just characters; they were embodiments of these four bases. Their interactions showcased the delicate and profound nature of life. Their relationships were not isolated but worked together as one, transmitting the secrets of existence.

Without A, there would be no T; without G, there would be no C. Every pairing of these bases was a bridge for the flow of genetic information, and each individual's role was indispensable. Just as their interactions were fated, so too was the flow of genetic information—their union was the key to life’s continuity.


As time passed, the story of A, T, G, and C continued to echo through the ages. Their relationships would forever remain stable and harmonious, just like the four bases of DNA, inseparable. Every transfer of genetic information carried with it their connection and destiny. Their union was the cosmic design—transmitting the secrets of life, eternal and unbroken.

DNA小小说 《四碱基的因缘》。20241204-子1027时。




















A-T-G-C的四圣法界能量流. 20241204. 1004hrs.


1. 声闻(Sravaka) - 追求个人解脱的智慧与真理能量流。

2. 缘觉(Pratyekabuddha) - 通过独立觉悟追求真理的深刻洞察能量流。

3. 菩萨(Bodhisattva) - 充满慈悲的能量流,追求为一切众生的觉悟。

4. 佛陀(Buddha) - 具备至高智慧与慈悲的能量流,展现对四圣谛的圆满觉悟。
