1. 醒actually is a wake up call as well as a pail of cold water for those who 醉生梦死
2. In the state of 半梦半醒之间, you are able to enjoy quality sleep at night. In the state of 半醉半醒之间, you are able to work with passion in day time.
3. This is the best life of 如痴如醉……如痴means 大智若愚(great mind with Wisdom), 如醉means 陶醉其中(big heart with love and compassion)
4. 如痴:在半梦半醒之间,断我执的见思惑,接通人身头顶诸佛百会的般若德,而出离六道轮回。
5. 如醉:在半醉半醒之间,断法执的尘沙惑,接通人身脚底菩萨涌泉的解脱德,而出离十法界。
6. 觉醒·醒悟:妙于如痴如醉之间,断二执习气的无明惑,接通人身手心大人劳宫的法身德,而超越一真法界。