
We are born to listen

1. We are born to listen, not to read which is man-made 【我们与生俱来就会聆听,而不是阅读。聆听能力是天生的,阅读能力是培养的。】

2. However, our younger generation nowadays lose their innate ability to listen yet they can't read as well. 【我们目前的年轻一代,一方面丧失了天生的聆听能力,一方面却又没有培养起阅读能力。】

3. We need to remember that the sequence of learning a language is: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Listening ability is the deep root for the giant tree of language learning. Speaking ability is the stemming. Reading ability is the branching and leafing and writing ability is the flowering and fruiting. 【我们必须牢记语文学习的顺序是:听、说、读、写。听的能力是语文学习这棵大树的根本。说的能力是大树撑天而起的主干。读的能力是开枝散叶。写的能力是开花结果。

