1. People are getting intellectually and physically stronger, but they are also getting emotionally and spiritually weaker. 现代人身体和智力越来越强,情感与心灵却越来越弱……(一位做义工的朋友与我分享,引起我深深的共鸣)
2. The capacity of the former two can be built with more, but the capacity of the latter two needs to be built with less. 身体和智力属于“为学日益”范畴,情感和心灵属于“为道日损”范畴。
3. Physical Body and Intellectual Mind: 身体(生理活动能力)与大脑(理性思考能力),More is good
4. Emotional Heart and Spiritual Soul: 情感性的心(感受包容能力)与精神性的心灵(领悟接通能力),Less is good.