
真美善的元体验(meta-experienes based on self cultivation)

1. “真”是naked(赤裸裸)的“格物·自性清净莲花”元体验!【崃按:这个描述的是“回去真如自性”时的“自然人”的“觉后空空无大千”的元体验】meta-experience: this is the state of life that we connect deeply to ourselves and see the "nothingness" in everything. this is the first nature of humanity

2. “美”是unbroken(完整无缺)的“致知·般若金刚杵”元体验!【崃按:这个描述的是“回来妄想自性”处的“社会人”的“梦里明明有六趣”的元体验】meta-experience: this is the state of life that we connect fully with people and see the "beauty" in everyone. this is the second nature of humanity. "beauty" is like a lotus which has to be rooted in mud. the mud is part of the life of the lotus, no mud no lotus as  

3. 善是both naked and unbroken(既是赤裸裸,又是完整无缺)的“诚意·住金刚杵(美)于清净莲花(真)上”元体验!【崃按:这个描述的是“来去随缘自性”时空的“完整人”的“觉梦如如妙自在”的元体验】meta-experiene: this is the state of life that we connect both deeply and fully with the universe and enjoy the peace and joy in every present moment. 

