1. 恭喜发财,发的不只是金钱财!(Wealthy not only in terms of money.)
2. 恭喜发财,发健康财!(Wealthy in terms of health.)
3. 恭喜发财,发平安财!(Wealthy in terms of peace.)
4. 恭喜发财,发快乐财!(Wealthy in terms of happiness.)
5. 恭喜发财,发智慧财!(Wealthy in terms of wisdom.)
6. 恭喜发财,发慈悲财!(Wealthy in terms of compassion.)
7. 恭喜发财,发菩提财!(Wealthy in terms of enlightenment.)
8. 恭喜发财,发沟通艺术财!(Wealthy in terms of the art of communication.)
9. 恭喜发财,发生活艺术财!(Wealthy in terms of the art of living, inclusive the art of giving and the art of helping needy people.)
10. 恭喜发财,发生命元体验财!(Wealthy in terms of the meta-experiences of life. People who posses this type of wealth are the most wealthiest!)