条目一:总介绍(Section 1—Summary of the whole book)
1 《弟子规》是孔子教导我们的做人和做学问的道理。在这部经典之中,首先提到的是“孝顺父母”和“友爱兄弟”这两个方面,其次提到的是“谨慎做事”和“诚信做人”这两个方面。
条目一:总介绍(Section 1—Summary of the whole book)
1 《弟子规》是孔子教导我们的做人和做学问的道理。在这部经典之中,首先提到的是“孝顺父母”和“友爱兄弟”这两个方面,其次提到的是“谨慎做事”和“诚信做人”这两个方面。
2 《弟子规》提到的第五个方面是“博爱大众”,第六个方面是“亲近善人”。至于第七个方面,指的就是努力实践以上六个方面有关做人的道理之后,就要把时间、精力用来阅读好书,以便掌握各类文化知识。
条目二:孝顺父母(Section 2—Loving Our Parents)
3 父母呼唤时,我们应该马上回答,不可迟缓;父母吩咐时,我们应该立刻行动,不可推延。(When our parents call us, we should answer them right away. When our parents want us to do something, we should do it diligently.) =>请学生分享自己的家庭生活经验。
4 父母教导时,我们必须恭敬地聆听、接受;父母责备时,我们必须用一种自我反省、自我改进的心态来加以顺从、承担。(When our parents instruct us, we should listen respectfully & obey. When our parents reproach us, we should be receptive to their advices & correct our mistakes.)
5 我们要时时关心父母的身体健康:天气冷时,要关心他们有没有保暖;天气热时,要关心他们有没有保持凉爽。每天早晚一定要记得请安:早上关心父母一夜有没有睡好,晚上恳请父母放心安睡。
6 凡是出门去,一定要先告诉父母去哪里、跟谁在一起、做什么事、什么时候回家等详情;出门回家之后,也一定要当面向父母报告这次出门所见所闻,并分享自己对事情的看法。每天生活起居,要保持良好的习惯,有一定的规律;工作或学习,也要有合理的计划和安排,不要随便改变。
7 错的事,就算是再小,也不要任意去做;如果任意去做,那就对不起父母,不是个好子女了。(We should always be mindful of not doing the wrong thing, no matter how small it is. If we are not mindful, we could not be considered as good & dutiful children of our parents.)
8 不属于自己的东西,就算是再小,也不要偷偷收藏;如果偷偷收藏,那就会令父母伤心。(We should always be mindful of not to be greedy & steal others’ things, no matter how small they are. If we steal, our parents will be hurt.)
9 父母喜欢的东西,要尽最大努力为他们准备齐全;父母讨厌的东西,要尽可能小心地为他们减少、排除。(We should do our best to please our parents by getting for them what they liked & blocking for them what they disliked.)
=> 思考/挑战:父母的“好恶”不当,怎么办?
10 我们的身体受伤了,父母就会为我们担忧;我们的品行不好,父母就会感到羞耻。(If we hurt ourselves physically, our parents will be worried. If we hurt ourselves in terms of our conduct & behaviours, our parents will feel ashamed.)
11 父母亲爱护我们,我们孝顺他们,这并不困难;父母亲厌恶我们,我们还保持孝顺,这才是真正的德行。(It is not difficult for us to love & take good care of our parents if they like us. It is really difficult and to be considered as true virtue in us to love & take good care of our parents even if they dislike us.)
12 父母亲有了过失,我们有义务劝告他们改过。劝告时,脸色要温和,语气要柔和。(It is our duty to forgive our parents & help them to correct their wrongdoings. We should look pleasant in our facial expression & gentle in our voice when we mention their wrongdoings.)
13 如果父母亲不接受劝告,就要等待他们心情好的时候再加以劝告。如果父母还是不接受,就哭泣着跟随在他们身后劝告。即使父母因此发怒打骂我们,我们也不会怨恨。(If we fail in our first attempt, we should wait till our parents are in good mood; then, we dissuade them again. We should be persistent in helping our parents to correct their wrongdoings no matter how hard it is.)
14 父母亲生病时,我们要关心他们服药的情况,而且要随时在病床旁边照顾他们。
15 父母亲去世后,我们守丧三年,难免时常思念父母养育之恩未报而悲伤呜咽。在这期间,居家布置要保持简朴,还要避免游乐场所以及大吃大喝。
16 我们要依照礼仪来办理父母亲的丧事,过后逢年过节以及忌日要用真诚的心来祭拜父母亲。不论丧礼或祭礼,我们对待去世的父母亲,要好像他们还和我们生活在一起。
条目三:尊敬兄长(Section 3—Respecting Our Elders)
17 兄姐要友爱弟妹,弟妹要恭敬兄姐。兄弟姐妹能够和睦相处,其中就表现了一份孝顺之心。
18 兄弟姐妹之间,能够重视情谊,轻视财物,自然不会产生怨恨、争夺的心理;说话时能够包容忍耐,不说伤害感情的话,一切的不满和冲突也就消除了。(If we are able to value our familial ties more than property & belongings, no resentment will come between us and our siblings. If we are careful with our words and hold back hurtful comments, feelings of anger among us and our siblings will naturally die out.)
19 不管是喝饮料还是吃东西,都要让长辈先用。如果是和长辈坐在一起,就要请长辈先坐;如果是和长辈走在一起,就要请长辈先走。
20 长辈叫唤一个人时,我们听到了,就要马上替长辈传唤。如果那个人不在,就要到长辈面前报告,并问长辈自己是否可以代劳。
21 和长辈说话,要有适当的称呼,不可直呼其名;在长辈面前,要保持谦虚,不要炫耀自己的才能。
22 路上遇到长辈,要快步上前去行礼问好。长辈没话和我们说,就要恭敬地退到一旁站着,让长辈先走。
23 如果自己是骑马,遇到长辈就应下马;如果乘坐车辆,就应下车。让长辈先过去,等待大约离我们一百步的距离后,自己才上马或上车。
24 长辈站着时,我们身为小辈不可先坐下来。长辈坐下后,让我们也坐下时,才可以坐下来。
25 在长辈面前说话,声量要放低一些;但是声量如果低到让长辈听不清楚,那也不适当。(We should lower our voices when we speak to our elders. But it is not appropriate if our voices are too soft & hard to hear.)
26 进前会见长辈时,脚步要加快;向长辈告退时,脚步要放慢退出。长辈问话时,要站起来回答,而且眼神要注视长辈,不要东张西望。(We should always walk briskly to approach our elders & never exit in haste when leaving them. We should stand up to answer to our elders & maintain eye-contact when they are talking to us.)
27 对待叔叔、伯伯,要像对待自己的父亲一样恭敬;对待堂兄、表兄,要像对待自己的胞兄一样友爱。
条目四:谨慎做事(Section 4—Be Cautious in Our Daily Routines)
28 我们早上要尽量早起,晚上要晚点睡觉。少年人一转眼就是老年人呀,我们一定要好好珍惜宝贵的光阴。(We should wake up early in the morning & turn in late at night. We should always treasure time as our lives are short.)
29 我们每天早上起床必须先洗脸,然后漱口、刷牙。上完厕所,不论大、小便,都一定要把手洗干净。(We should always wash our faces and brush our teeth when we get up in the morning. We should always wash our hands after using the toilet.)
30 我们出门时,头上帽子一定要戴端正,身上衣服的钮扣一定要结整齐;脚下袜子和鞋子也要穿得整整齐齐。(We should always check our grooming & attire before we go out.)
31 我们出门回到家,脱下来的帽子、衣服应该放回固定的位置,不要随手乱丢乱放,以免弄皱、弄脏了。(We should always put our hats & clothes back to their proper places. We should never throw them all over the place after returning home.)
32 我们穿衣服注重的是整齐、清洁,不在衣服的昂贵、华丽;而且,要依照自己的身份穿着,也要配合家庭的经济状况。
33 我们对于食物,不要挑剔、偏食,而且要吃适当的分量,不要吃过量。
34 我们还是青少年,不应该尝试喝酒;否则,喝醉了就会表现出不当言行,丑态百出。
35 我们走路时脚步要从容不迫,站立时姿势要端正大方;行礼时身子要弯腰九十度,叩拜时内心要保持恭敬。
36 我们进门时,要注意脚不要踩到门槛上去;站立时,不要一只脚斜站或是身子斜靠他物;坐着时,不要把双脚展开像畚箕或是虎踞的样子,也不要抖脚、摇大腿。
37 我们进门掀门帘时,动作要轻缓,不要发出声音;走路转弯时,弧度要大一些,不要碰到尖锐的棱角。
38 我们拿空的器具,要像拿盛满的一样小心;进到没人的屋子里,要像进到有人的屋子一样恭敬。
39 我们做事不要匆匆忙忙,匆忙就容易出错;遇到该办的事,不要害怕困难而退缩,也不要轻率随便而误事。
40 容易发生打斗的场所,我们不要靠近逗留;邪恶、怪僻的事,我们也不要好奇追问。
41 我们将要入门之前,应该先问一声“有人在吗”;将要走上厅堂时,应该先提高声量通报。
42 当人家问“你是谁”,我们回答时一定要说出自己的名字;如果只说“吾”或者“我”,对方就弄不清楚到底是谁,而可能发生误解。
43 我们如果要用别人的东西,就要光明正大地请求他借用;如果没有问过别人就拿来用,那就相当于偷窃的行为了。(Before using others’ things, we should seek permission to borrow. If we do not ask for permission, we are actually stealing.)
44如果借用别人的东西,我们用完了要立刻归还。能做到这点,以后遇到急用,我们需要再次向人借用时,就比较容易。(After finished using things we borrowed, we have to return them as soon as possible. So that we will not have difficulty in borrowing them again when we have an urgent need in future.)
条目五:诚信做人(Section 5--Be a Trustworthy person)
45 我们开口说话,一定要把“诚信”摆在第一位 ;哪里可以说一些假话、空话、大话,来自欺欺人呢?(Whenever we talk, we have to be sincere & honest. We will never want to say anything misleading & hurtful.)
46 我们与其多嘴多舌,话说得很多,不如沉默寡言,少说一点。至于说话的内容,要实事求是,不要花言巧语。(We would not want to talk more than necessary & to talk anything more than the truth.)
47 奸诈取巧的语言,下流肮脏的话,以及街头无赖粗俗的口气,我们都要注意避免,不去沾染。(We would never want to play with our words and to deceive people. Neither do we want to use any vulgar language nor speak in a disgraceful manners.)
48 任何事情我们还没有看到真相之前,一定不要轻易发表意见;对事情还了解得不够清楚明白时,一定不要轻易传播出去。(We would never want to comment things that we do not see clearly. Neither do we want to spread news that we do not know whether they come from a reliable source.)
49 我们如果觉得事情不太恰当,就不要轻易答应别人。如果轻易答应别人,那就会造成自己做也不是,不做也不是,进退两难。(We would never want to make any promise to others if we sense that it is not a right thing for us to do. If we make our promises lightly, we put ourselves in a dilemma later on.)
50 我们说话咬字要清楚,语气要舒缓;不可说得太快太急,也不可说得模糊不清。
51 如果遇到有人聚在一起谈论别人的是非、好坏,我们一定要保持距离,不要多管闲事。
40 容易发生打斗的场所,我们不要靠近逗留;邪恶、怪僻的事,我们也不要好奇追问。
41 我们将要入门之前,应该先问一声“有人在吗”;将要走上厅堂时,应该先提高声量通报。
42 当人家问“你是谁”,我们回答时一定要说出自己的名字;如果只说“吾”或者“我”,对方就弄不清楚到底是谁,而可能发生误解。
43 我们如果要用别人的东西,就要光明正大地请求他借用;如果没有问过别人就拿来用,那就相当于偷窃的行为了。(Before using others’ things, we should seek permission to borrow. If we do not ask for permission, we are actually stealing.)
44如果借用别人的东西,我们用完了要立刻归还。能做到这点,以后遇到急用,我们需要再次向人借用时,就比较容易。(After finished using things we borrowed, we have to return them as soon as possible. So that we will not have difficulty in borrowing them again when we have an urgent need in future.)
条目五:诚信做人(Section 5--Be a Trustworthy person)
45 我们开口说话,一定要把“诚信”摆在第一位 ;哪里可以说一些假话、空话、大话,来自欺欺人呢?(Whenever we talk, we have to be sincere & honest. We will never want to say anything misleading & hurtful.)
46 我们与其多嘴多舌,话说得很多,不如沉默寡言,少说一点。至于说话的内容,要实事求是,不要花言巧语。(We would not want to talk more than necessary & to talk anything more than the truth.)
47 奸诈取巧的语言,下流肮脏的话,以及街头无赖粗俗的口气,我们都要注意避免,不去沾染。(We would never want to play with our words and to deceive people. Neither do we want to use any vulgar language nor speak in a disgraceful manners.)
48 任何事情我们还没有看到真相之前,一定不要轻易发表意见;对事情还了解得不够清楚明白时,一定不要轻易传播出去。(We would never want to comment things that we do not see clearly. Neither do we want to spread news that we do not know whether they come from a reliable source.)
49 我们如果觉得事情不太恰当,就不要轻易答应别人。如果轻易答应别人,那就会造成自己做也不是,不做也不是,进退两难。(We would never want to make any promise to others if we sense that it is not a right thing for us to do. If we make our promises lightly, we put ourselves in a dilemma later on.)
50 我们说话咬字要清楚,语气要舒缓;不可说得太快太急,也不可说得模糊不清。
51 如果遇到有人聚在一起谈论别人的是非、好坏,我们一定要保持距离,不要多管闲事。
52 看见别人的优点、好行为,我们就要立刻想到向他们学习、看齐;就算目前自己的能力和他们相差很远,也要下定决心,逐渐赶上。(We should always seek to follow the good examples set by others. We are determined to be as good as them by improving ourselves continuously even though we are far behind them at the present moment.)
53 看见别人的缺点、不良行为,我们就要立刻反躬自省,检讨自己是否也有这些过失:如果有,就马上改掉;如果没有,就更加警觉,不犯同样的过失。(We should always be reflective upon the bad examples set by others so as to check them whether we ourselves have committed similar wrongdoings. We should correct ourselves immediately if the answer is yes. We should caution ourselves not to commit the similar wrongdoing if the answer is no.)
54 当品德、学问、才能和技艺不如别人时,我们就应当自我勉励,努力赶上。(If our virtue, knowledge, talent & skill are not as good as others, we should always encourage ourselves to be better.)
55当穿着、打扮、吃的、喝的不如别人时,却不必放在心上,更不用忧虑、自卑。(If our clothes, shoes, food & drinks are not as good as others, we should never be worried.)
56如果我们听到别人指出自己的过失就生气,听到别人称赞自己就欢喜;那么,坏朋友就会来接近我们,良朋益友反而逐渐疏远 了。
58 我们事先不知道,结果无心做了不对的事,那叫做“过错”;明知道是不对的事,却故意去做,那叫做“罪恶”。(If we behave in an unacceptable way unintentionally, we only commit a ‘mistake’. If we behave in an unacceptable way intentionally, we actually commit a ‘guilt’.)
59 我们不小心犯了过错,能勇于改过,就会越改越少,逐渐回归到“无过”的境界;如果为了面子,死不认错,还要去掩饰,那就是错上加错了。
人非圣贤,孰能无过?过而能改,善莫大焉!(If we are able to correct any mistake we commit, the mistake would be eliminated. If we try to cover up our mistake, we are actually adding one more demerit to ourselves.)
条目六:博爱大众(Section 6—Loving all peoples)
60 只要是人,就是同类,不分种族、语言、宗教,我们都要用一颗博爱的心去加以爱护和帮助,如同苍天覆盖万物,如同大地承载万物。
孙中山:互助合作是人类进化的法则。(We should extend our love for our family members & friends to all human beings. All human beings are actually brothers & sisters living under the same sky & on the same planet.)
61 我们要知道,情操高尚、道德修养好的人,名声自然高;人们敬重的,并不是那些空具美丽外表容貌的人。
62 我们要知道,才能杰出、办事能力高的人,声望自然大;人们佩服的,并不是那些只会高谈阔论的人。
63 我们自己如果有才能,就不要自私自利,只想到自己,应该学习为大众服务。如果别人有才能,我们却不可轻易批评,应该多加赞美肯定。
64 我们不要巴结、讨好富有的人,不要瞧不起贫穷的人;不要厌恶、遗弃旧亲友、旧事物,不要一味喜爱新朋友、新事物。
65 当别人正在忙碌做事时,我们不要再另外找事去打搅他;当别人正在感到不安时,我们不要再闲言闲语去干扰他。
66 别人的短处、缺点,我们千万不要去揭穿;别人的隐私、秘密,我们千万不要去张扬。
67 赞美别人的善行,就等于是我们自己行善一样。因为对方知道了,就会更加努力行善。
68 宣扬别人的罪恶,就等于是我们自己作恶一样。因为过分地憎恶,只会把对方进一步推向罪恶的深渊,给自己招来不必要的灾祸。
69 我们和朋友之间,应该互相劝勉行善,使到彼此都能建立良好的德行;如果有了过错,而不互相规劝,双方的品行就会留下缺陷。
70 我们和别人有财物上的往来,应当分辨清楚,不可含糊。财物送给别人,应该慷慨大方,多给一些;取用别人的财物,则应该谨慎小心,少拿一些。(Whenever we take or give valuable things to others, we should be clear in our minds & hearts. We should give more & take less.)
=> 格言:吃亏是福。
71 我们要拜托别人做一件事,或是有话要对别人说时,都应该先问问自己:如果是别人拜托自己做这件事,或是对自己说这些话,自己是不是喜欢?如果自己不喜欢别人这么做,自己现在就应该马上停止。(Whenever we want to say or do something to others, we should first ask ourselves whether we like it. If we do not like it, we should stop it immediately.)
72 受人恩惠,我们要时时想着报答;别人有对不起自己的事,我们要宽大为怀,把它忘掉。报复、怨恨的念头,对我们的品格发展坏处很大;感恩、报恩的念头,却有益于我们开创人生的康庄大道。(We should never forget to repay the kindness of others & always be forgiving towards others’ wrongdoings. It is always good for us to be grateful & bad for us to be resentful in terms of our character development.)
73 对待家中的的婢女和仆人,我们本身行为要注重端正庄重。虽然注重端正庄重,我们还要进一步做到仁慈和宽大。
74 我们如果利用权势强迫别人服从,对方难免口服心不服。只有通过讲道理去感化、劝服别人,对方才会心悦诚服,没有怨言。
条目七:亲近贤人(Section 7—Valuing great teachers)
75 我们要知道,同样是人,一种米养百样人,人和人之间的差别是很大的。一般来说,跟着潮流走的俗人众多,仁慈博爱的贤人稀少。(Though we should love all peoples equally, we should also know that there are differences between peoples & individuals. The great majority of them is just following the popular trends while few people is able to serve as good role models for us to follow.)
76 我们要知道,对于一位真正有道德修养的人,人们自然会很敬畏他。因为他不怕说真话,也不装笑脸去奉承、讨好别人。(A person with wisdom & great love will command respect from people around him. He will neither be afraid to tell the truth nor be hypocritical to fawn on others.)
77 能够亲近真正有道德修养的人,向他学习,我们将会得到无限的好处。我们的德行将会一天天地进步,我们的过失将会一天天地减少。(If we choose to be close to & learn from people with wisdom & great love, we would benefit tremendously in terms of our character development. Our virtues will grow & our demerits will diminish continuously.)
78 不肯亲近真正有道德修养的人,向他学习,我们的损失是无法估计的。那些没有德行、没有修养的人,就会跑来围绕在我们身旁,导致我们这一生做什么事都不会成功。(If we choose not to be close to & learn from people with wisdom & great love, we will suffer immeasurable loss in terms of our character development. People without virtue will get close to us and we will achieve nothing in our lives.)
条目八:学习文化 (Section 8 – Learning from great books)
79 如果我们不能身体力行“孝弟”、“谨信”和“爱众亲仁”这些本分的事,而只是一味死读书,累积知识,那充其量只不过是养成自己浮华不实的性格罢了,又怎能成为一个真正有用的人呢?
80 如果我们只是一味注重做本分的事,却不肯读书学习,参考别人的经验,那我们就很容易按照自己的偏见去做事,而无法明白真正的道理和合理的做法。
81 至于读书的方法,我们要注重“三到”:心到、眼到和口到。这“三到”的确都很重要,我们要实实在在地做到。(To learn effectively from the books, we have to apply the method of ‘3 presences’. The presences of our minds, our eyes and our mouths are equally important.)
82 我们读书一定要专心:正在读这一段,就不要想着另一段。这一段还没有读完、读通,就不要跳到另一段去读。(We should always stay focus on what we are reading at the moment & never be distracted by what we are going to read. If we have not finished reading & understand what we have read, we should not move on to read new content.)
83 我们订读书计划时,时限要订宽松一些,但实际执行时,却要加紧用功,不可偷懒。遇到书中有难以理解的地方,就要专心研究,日积月累,工夫到了,自然就能豁然贯通。
84 我们读书遇到有疑问的地方,就要随时把问题记录下来,一有机会,就向良师益友请教,一定要努力求取一个正确的答案。
85 我们的书房要保持清洁,墙壁要保持干净。书桌要整洁,书本、文具要摆放整齐。
86 墨如果磨歪了,那是因为我们的心不够端正;字如果写歪斜了,那是因为我们的心不够恭敬。
87 我们的书籍、课本要整齐地排放在固定的位置上。书本读完后,要放回原来的地方。
88 即使突然有急事,我们也要把正在阅读的书籍收拾整齐后再离去。书本如果有残缺、 损坏的地方,要立刻修补,保持完整。
89 如果不是引导人向善向上的好书,我们就坚决不阅读。因为这类书籍不利于我们身心的健康发展,损害我们的思想和品行。(We would never want to read the books that are bad for our character development. That kind of books could cause great harm & distortion to our minds, our hearts & our spirits.)
90 我们既不要狂妄冒进,也不要自卑退缩。只要肯付出努力,循序渐进,我们都可以成为具有深厚道德修养的文化精英。(We should neither be too harsh nor give up on ourselves. We can all become people with great virtues by putting in effective effort continuously.)